Hotel Information
Hotel Information
Housing is now open!
We have contracted a block of sleeping rooms for PSX 2025 attendees at the Westin Galleria Houston at the preferred rate of $279/night single/double (plus tax). Government rates are also available.
Westin Galleria Houston
5060 W Alabama St.
Houston, TX 77056
Once registered for PSX 2025, you will receive with your conference confirmation instructions for booking your hotel room at the Westin. When reserving your room, you must mention the code included in your confirmation to receive the special PSX rate and be included in the PSX block. PSX is unable to move reservations made outside the block into the block or to adjust the room rates quoted by the hotels directly.
The deadline to book a hotel reservation within the block is Friday, August 22, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. MST. After this date, the discounted registration rates no longer apply.
Information about PSX Housing
Why stay in the block?
You help us meet our financial commitments to the hotels. In order to secure a large block of quality hotel rooms at competitive prices in convenient locations, AIHA is legally bound to fill the rooms we contract. By booking in the block, you help us meet our financial obligations, ultimately keeping your registration rates reasonable. AIHA is not alone in this challenge; many associations holding major meetings face this challenge when attendees book outside the block using various Internet services for hotel guest room bookings. While such services might be useful for an individual, the group as a whole – and therefore, PSS members – suffer.
How does booking outside the block affect an individual PSX attendee?
If AIHA is unable to achieve its room block commitments because attendees make reservations at other hotels or cancel/shorten their length of stay at the PSX hotel, the hotel will charge AIHA attrition fees to make up for the lost sleeping room revenue. Depending on how small or large the gap is between the room commitment and the actual room pickup, such penalties range from $20,000 to more than $200,000. Should this happen, AIHA could be forced to increase registration fees to cover these expenses and cut back on services provided at PSX, such as various receptions and networking events, free provision of extensive AV equipment (i.e., LCD projectors and presentation computers available in all session rooms), and complimentary wireless internet (WiFi) access in all PSX meeting rooms.
Why don’t you book fewer rooms so there isn’t attrition?
Reducing room block commitments in future contracts would be accompanied by a reduction in the meeting space made available to PSX, which translates to fewer rooms for formal program sessions and no room for committee meetings or sessions. This would significantly change the opportunities for professional presentations and networking.
Besides, it’s better for you in the block
AIHA staff have worked with the hotel to develop individual incentives to make the hotel financially attractive, as well as professionally beneficial. You get the lowest rates published in the city over the dates of the conference, and staying “within the block” is convenient and helps you stay connected with the informal activities and networking opportunities that occur at the hotels during the meeting. Staying within the block has the following benefits for meeting attendees:
- Deep discounts on room rates and special amenities are available (such as guest room internet and health club access)
- Reduce travel time and costs by being close to all activities day and night
- Easily network with friends, colleagues, and exhibitors
- Reservations within the block are guaranteed and protected from hotel relocation
- Friendly booking terms: no change fees; no prepayment
- It’s better for your PSX experience, and it helps AIHA keep future meeting costs as low as possible
- Official hotels are AIHA-endorsed and inspected so you won't have to worry about quality, cleanliness, or upkeep.